unlocking access to local food

Is access to local farms and managing individual vendor relationships challenging if not impossible? Do you have concerns about wasted or surplus food and poor food quality? 

Spork Food Hub is your solution to unlocking local food fulfillment that works with your organization’s processes.

how it works

  1. Contact us to learn more

  2. Registration & onboarding

  3. Start placing orders

Salad Lunch Service in Sacramento Schools

why choose spork?


We vet all of our food partners and allow in only the highest quality producers using regenerative, sustainable farming practices.


We go beyond good agricultural practices (GAP) and source only from California family farms. With faster than industry standard lead-times, we ensure food safety, traceability and exceed institutional guidelines.


Serving customers in Northern California ensures our fulfillment and delivery happens after orders are placed. Turnaround is short with reliability and accuracy assured.

increased awareness through education

Our educational offerings work to deepen connections between locally grown produce and those who receive it. We know this has a positive and direct impact on the effectiveness of our work — increasing local procurement in the regions we serve.

education for kids

We accomplish this through on-farm field trips, lunchtime taste tests, and it culminates in forward planning with our school districts and their farmer partners. This work deepens the connection between the kids and the people who are growing their food.

education for staff

Spork Food Hub offers on-farm tours, tasting events at our Farmstand Showcase (every Wednesday 2-7) as well as on-site training on how to make the most of our seasonal produce exclusively for nutrition services staff and teams.

partner with us

We ensure reliability, accuracy and excellence with each delivery. Let’s invest in a food system we believe in.

trusted by 100s of california institutions

“The importance and richness of a local economy is clear. We get better quality and more diverse offerings from local growers and the funds stay in the local economy.”

— Vince Caguin, Director of Food Operations and Warehouse Management